Thursday, 5 December 2013

ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Div 1 & 2, 18th - 22nd August 2014, Kuala Lumpur

We are taking you to a next level of ASME where you will learn and understand the background of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Division 1 & 2 from 18th - 22nd August 2014 in Kuala Lumpur. This comprehensive course will be introducing the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 including background, organization, design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and documentation of pressure vessels. Also, in the Section VIII, Division 2 course, you will be having more refined and accurate rules in information so that the design margins is reduced. By learning these codes, it could result in considerable savings in material costs and in most cases the overall vessel costs.

This course will be facilitated by Mr Ramesh Tiwari, an internationallu recognized specialist in the area of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, materials, and codes and standards. He holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in mechanical engineering from universities in India and United States. He is also a registered Professional Engineer in the Sate of Maryland in the United States.Mr Tiwari is a member of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Section VIII Subgroup on Heat Transfer Equipment, and a member of ASME International Working Group on B31.1 for Power Piping in India. In this capacity, he has made invaluable contribution in resolving technical issues in compliance with the ASME codes for Code users. Mr Tiwari has over 24 years of design engineering experience on a variety of projects spanning industries such as oil & gas, power, nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food etc. He has provided engineering advice and code interpretations to senior management and guidance to several companies he has worked for in the US, India and Germany. He has initiated and implemented numerous innovative ideas to improve working process and quality, and developed and conducted training programs for peers as well as clients. Mr Tiwari is an approved pressure vessel instructor at NTPC, a premier thermal power generating company in India and at several other companies, both public and private.

  • Understand the background of the Code rules
  • Apply the Code rules to more common design and fabrication situations
  • Perform calculations for some of the loadings and situations not addresses by the Code
  • Prepare design specifications, design reports, data reports and other documentation

Do join Mr Tiwari in this fruitful session. Register yourself by this coming 11th June 2014 and you are entitle for $100 discount on the actual rate! Fill in the form now and submit to your HOD or HR for approval!!

For further information, please get in touch with our representative at +607 297 1334 or you may browse our website at