Tuesday, 7 May 2013

ASME B31.3 Process Piping / Support Design, Lay-out & Stress Analysis Workshop

We know that it is essential for every Piping Engineers or related professionals to fully aware of Piping Codes. One of them is ASME B31.3 - Process Piping. Therefore, we are constructing this course as the code contains requirements for piping typically found in petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, semiconductor, and cryogenic plants; and related processing plants and terminals.

This course provides comprehensive coverage of ASME B31.3 of process piping code requirements. It has been completely revised , reorganised and updated , and includes descriptions of important new requirements in the latest edition of ASME B31.3 including the philosophy behind changes. The course will review the basic requirements of the ASME B 31 Code for Pressure Piping with emphasis on B31.3 Process Piping. General topics in the course include : Code organisation and intent, pressure design , design for sustained loads including support design , flexibility theermal analysis, equipment loads, expansion joints, support design loads and restraints, materials, and piping components . Applications of these concepts including flexible thermal analysis using the Shear Stress Theory Principle will be demonstrated. 

The course covers design , fabrication , examination and testing requirements of ASME B 31.3 . It covers Code requirements from design through start-up of new piping systems , as well as standards for inspection of piping systems that have been in service. This course provides a working knowledge of the Code , how it is organised, its intent, the basis for requirements, including piping design. It provides a foundation of knowledge necessary for those responsible for assuring the mechanical integrity of existing piping systems, as well as those responsible for designing and constructing new piping systems.

We are introducing an interactive package for more than 1 delegate participation. Also, our products are HRDF claimable. Do get in touch with our representatives at 07-297 1334 or email to inquiry@eventempires.my to request the brochure.